DAY 100 . . . Whoop

I cannot believe I have blogged for 100 days. I never knew how long that felt until now. The amount of emotions that I have been through since the start of the year is staggering. I am usually a person who gives up on things but I am determined to keep this diary up. However my paperback diary has lagged behind. My blog was never about how many subscribers I could get, but for those of you who do follow me and maybe skim my terrible spelt writing, I have to thank you. My blog is where I have found a place for my thoughts so I do not have to keep them in and drive myself crazy. SO thank you for reading my blabbing.

It was because of this blog that I went to Rome,

I figured out where to take my mum for her special day

I got to express my anxiety so it did not feel as big as I imagined it.

This blog is helping me so much, making me feel lighter, to get a lot off my chest, that I would not be able to speak out loud.

I found that a blog is like a quite individuals voice. And I have only just begun to shout.


And now onto today! A lovely wake up time of 4.30 this morning. NOT. I was at the studio for 5.15 picking the equipment up. It was a great day in the end. The weather was perfect, I have caught the sun, my cheeks are burning :(. The lesson for the day was to make sure the camera guys get sun lotion on. They are the ones out all day in the sun and should get protected. Camera guys are a strange species, hm that could be a blog title. I think for the future blogs I might not put ‘Day 101 . . .’ and so on. Maybe just the number in the heading???

Anyway I got home and because the weather makes me happy I decided to make a cake 🙂

Cake makes everyone happy.

Night and thank you again, here is to another 100 days!

Day 75…

A few things on my mind….

Frozen- I have finally out of being bullied watched Frozen… It was such a lovely story, my favorite was Olaf he had some great lines. The songs were pretty good too. I cant get Do you want to build a snowman out of my head.

Catching Fire- OH my day, it comes out on DVD tomorrow… I just do not live anywhere near a place that sells it 😦 my life needs to be complete.

Work- I had some freelance work today on another programme. I worked it last year and today was the first day back for them so I helped out. I forgot how much I loved it at that place and how different a days work is there to where I am now. Its the start of a very long busy week. I am even starting with a cold which I am not happy about.

Diary- I realized yesterday that I have not written in my Journal for nearly a month… I do not know where the days have gone. I am uber busy. Even finding time to write a little blog everyday is becoming difficult. Yet I have more determination to carry on this blog every day, as I can fill in my journal anytime.

So yeah tomorrow starts another week of horrendous filming… I love it but it is going to be hectic. Do you remember the week were I had the brake down at work, well thats going to happen again… I mean the week not the break down I hope.




Day 2!

Tie up 2nd and 3rd with a little red bow

Tie up 2nd and 3rd with a little red bow

Dear Diary,

I said I would talk about my ambitions for this year. I usually go too far and have dreams that I will never reach. I am going to take a leaf from last year resolution, where I told myself just to keep working in my industry and get contacts. I did it and now love my job. Soooo this year I am technically stepping it up a bar. Here is my list of things I would like to achieve.

          Write  a blog … This is self-explanatory

          Go to America…I just have that craving, something is pulling me out there and I want to find out what it is.

          Write more of my book… I have an epic idea; however I just can’t seem to jot it down.

          Go to NZ… To see my family, ideally I would love to go for Christmas.

          Spend new year somewhere other than my hometown

          Work out where I want to go next in my job… this could last a lifetime.

          Figure out why I feel lost… Maybe the above will help this one out, maybe the deal breaker of the year.

All bar one I feel I am able to do these challenges in a year; It would be great not to feel lost or have to feel I need a purpose, but something is missing. Last year I worked and worked I don’t think I had a proper weekend, so this year I am going to take the time to care for the part of me that feels lost. WOW that’s a lot of feelings in there!

P.s I thought that I would add that because my journal does not have enough days for the whole year, I am splitting the pages. I have decided that I will only post what I write when I have completed both sides. I could not help putting a little picture up tho 🙂


Love L