Day 98. . . Take a break

Tell us your tried and true techniques for focusing when that deadline looms and you need to get work done. In other words, how do you avoid wasted days and wasted nights?


I put the pro in procrastination, especially when I was at uni and still now at work. I would rather be doing something else than what I am supposed to be doing. However you have to get on with it. This is how I got through UNI.

At University you get used to the word deadline and the stress can make you quite ill when writing your essays. The main technique that everyone should take on board at uni is… do not leave it until the week/night before. Give yourself  TIME, there is nothing worse than stressing and making yourself ill if it was your fault in the first place for delaying it.

When doing the research for my essays I always found it easier to write up my quotes that wanted in books and put them into a folder. It was just easier to hold a book and write than type. Plus I think I was hoping it would go into my brain, plus tidy work meant tidy mind.

Highlight the important parts was another reason I wrote my quotes out. Colour coo-ordination helped in a lot of my essays. Either it be co-ordination with the different paragraphs or a different colour for how important the quote is and where it will go.

Timing in the day,  Again TIME but this is more YOU time. Yes you will Procrastinate but if you Take a break you will be less likely to drift off. So how to make this work… Set a goal time, maybe 2 solid hours of work,  no Facebook or any other distractions. Then have your break, do what you like, plus it won’t hurt. Rest your eyes and mind. This goes with anything, Any job . . . TAKE A BREAK. You do not know how refreshing it can be, Deep Breath…

PLAN EVERYTHING- even if it is little, as long as it written and done you won’t have to worry about it. MAKE LISTS, lots of them 🙂

Drink TEA, I find it helps.





Day 90. . . The great pretender… oh i am

Are you full of confidence or have you ever suffered from Imposter Syndrome? Tell us all about it.

My short answer… This could have been an essay.

ostrichI have a strange view on my confidence. I cannot for the life of me talk in front of people however large or small the crowd. I even find it difficult to talk to people face to face. I find trying to string a sentence together extremely difficult and this tends to falter my confidence. However with dance, give me a theatre full and I would happily go out and perform, as long as I do not have to speak.

I have always been a shy young girl always hiding in the paths of others. Keeping my thoughts to myself. Throughout my childhood on report cards or even dance reports I always knew what it would say… Laura lacks the confidence in. . .  It is just something I do not have.  You could however see confidence in me as someone who has moved to London on their own to work in a job where you are only given short contracts so never knows what is going to happen next…. or that is just damn stupid.

I would say I do suffer from Imposter Syndrome, I never like to take complements for my successes, not like I get any anyway ( um there we go another imposter) People have to keep telling me that I have done well other wise I do not believe them. I lack the confidence in myself. I do not know if confidence is something you are born with or you strive towards, I can honestly conclude I do not own this ability.


On another note, I started my training for the London to Brighton cycle… 🙂



Day 72. . . My best friend

Tell us the origin story of your best friend. How did you become friends? What is it that keeps your friendship rockin’ after all these years?

Name : Jackie Bradley (She does have a fair few middle names one of which I know is Louise but I have no clue about the others).
We met at 6th Form, for the first few week we never crossed paths I spent the first few months on the other side of the common room alone with no friends. Then one day I found myself in a place called Mordor yes like Lord of the ring. It’s where the Indy people hang out and they were not cool back then.
I am not sure why we became friends I would think it was because we shared a lot of interests mainly Harry potter. She is the perfect best friend for me, she loves to talk and I love to listen, if I had a quieter best friend it would be the worst friendship oh so quite.we just get along like long lost sisters.
After 6 ish years we are still going strong even with uni between us we now live just across the road from each other without even meaning too. This friendship was meant to be. I don’t know what I would do with out her.
Now we both live in London, we meet up every Tuesday for a cuppa and chat. There is many more wonderful things I would love to say but can’t put them into words, And that is my best friend Jackie.
